Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Multipliers Again..

It's been a long time, since I posted on this blog. I have started reading "Multipliers", a book which I heard about as early as June of last year! Very interesting read. As I go thru the pages, it gives me the realization of how one could be a diminisher without even knowing that you are one. We all think, we are good managers and leaders, or for that matter, good individuals. But what we don't know is how, we could be accidental diminishers.

As I listened to a senior leader talk to me, last week, on how he/she was trying to teach others everything that they know, and the multiple use of how "I" and why "I" did this or that… Really, I felt sorry for the person. Because they don't know how they are becoming an accidental diminisher. Again as I heard the same person go over and over on what "I" want, and what "I" suggest for others… I don't know, whether I feel sympathetic again.

Maybe, I should recommend the book "Multipliers" for them. I am sure, they too will realize how you can get the best from others by being a multiplier…. I can vouch for that, coz, I too am learning how me unknowingly becoming a diminisher can prevent getting out the best from others..

Learning to be a multiplier and extremely proud about it….


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