Read it, definitely worth it.
Quite often when you provide an honest feedback, which could be negative, you are looked upon as rude/aggressive or arrogant. I have seen people giving good feedback, and then talk back on the negative elements to others. “I just wanted to say something”, or “ I just said it, so that they will not feel bad”, or similar lines has been the response of one of my ex/current colleague, who gives positive feedback even when they have negative things to say.
This is disastrous, when you are asked for opinion on training or a program or even an idea. Just to make the other person happy, people tend to say or give feedback which they don’t even believe. What they don’t understand is by trying to be nice, you are actually hurting their progress or success.
I believe in giving honest feedback. But when I do give it, I have been called or looked upon as rude or arrogant. Yes, I do need to be less tough, but at least what I am hoping is that an honest feedback is going to help anyone improve. I always ask for feedback, especially the negative ones. I truly believe only by having the courage to ask for your feedback, accepting the negatives and improving to convert the negatives to positives or just eliminate the negatives will help you progress a lot, in your life.
The three ways that Peter recommends is definitely going to help me give the feedback in a better way, rather than on-your-face way which tends to hurt me more.
Another lesson to learn, to apply, to share in the quest to be better in whatever we do!
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